Category Archives: Azure

BizTalk 2010 R2 & Cloud Computing ….

I was looking around the web for news of the latest version of BizTalk (I know I’m a little late to the game) and came across this lovely article:

It highlights the three focal points for BizTalk Server 2010 R2 (I’m sure they will change the name to suit the actual release year…) listed below:

  • Platform Support – Supporting new and current server and development platforms
  • Improved B2B – Aligning with industry standards and continuing to invest in performance improvements
  • Ready for the Cloud – Enabling customers to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing

The first two are a common scenario as Micrsoft tend to build and improve on what already works well. The last option is an interesting development but not unexpected. I am looking forward to seeing how BizTalk will adapt to cloud computing. Watch this space for more news!


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